Friday, May 25, 2012

Working, Traveling & Such... The last 6 months!

I did not realize it had been quite so long since I had updated this site... I guess I should be better about it! It has been a crazy 6 months! WOW!! I have gotten back in to traveling for work and for fun a bit. I have enjoyed it but I will say it hasn't come without its scary moments! I always worry that I am going to get "poisoned" as we call it in my family. Since I have such a bad reaction to Gluten it feels like poison! I spent my first Christmas here in NY without my "family" meaning Mom & Dad and Michael... but I have been able to meet great people who have become part of my "NY family"! I am so grateful to them for always including me and making an effort to eat what I can. It has been a blessing to also know that their daughter is GF and so they know the challenges. It is amazing how God puts people in your life just when you need them. January brought a huge bombshell that included a possible chance to leave NY... But what it really gave me was the opportunity to look inside myself and realize that for the last 8 years I have been fortunate to have a career that I really enjoy. But is a career all that I want out of this life? I know that the answer is emphatically "NO"... Now, what to do with this knowledge?? I have been searching for an answer to this... and while doing that, I have been traveling, meeting new people, working on myself and attempting to find answers to a few pressing questions in my life! I feel so much better as a person and hope that this shows on the outside also! I have developed that I do enjoy my time in the GYM! I know, that there was a huge collective gasp from many of you out there!! Heather, the uncoordinated, blonde who thought that exercise was going for walk has developed a passion for working out! YES!!! What I have really decided is that (1) it helps me sleep, (2) that once I have rid myself of all the negative products that I was putting in it, I actually feel like being active again, (3) I actually have energy and want to use it to get this body into shape again!! Once I realized I didn't have to be the FAT girl anymore, I didn't want to be!!! Now, I am in the gym about 4 or 5 days a week and I feel great!! In March I traveled to Walt Disney World for the first time since I was a kid! Wow, how it has changed but I loved it! Disney does cater to those with food allergies but I will say that I was still TERRIFIED!! What if I was cross contaminated?! How would I deal with being sick the rest of the trip? Thankfully we hit up Target the first night there and got many goodies that I could eat and I just took stuff with me that I could eat. It was a wonderful trip spent with my family! I also went Atlanta to see a great friend!! I have learned a couple of things from my trips... The South eats a lot of fried stuff and stuff with flour!! It was quite challenging to eat in Atlanta but I did survive! I am thinking I will stay here where I have my great GF place... Sherry Lynn's!!! Lot's of NY travel for work has been great! But the smaller towns are quite difficult when it comes to food. The most interesting fun thing that has happened is we stayed in the small town where "Nightmare on Elm Street" was based on... Hope everyone has a wonderful summmer! More posts to come! Enjoy and Share!! Heather