Friday, March 25, 2011

Healthy Body = Healthy Mind

I have a friend who has been battling mono for what seems like forever and has really only been six weeks. A couple of times she has started to feel a bit better and then goes backwards again. She said something to me, that was not only refreshing to hear but a very true statement... "... but now I notice how I feel much better now that I ate a healthy dinner last night and have better things to grab to eat today. It's amazing how affected I am by my diet right now. Before, it didn't seem to matter what I ate."

This is something that we all should take a minute to digest! This statement was very thought provoking since my FB status update had just been "Is pretty sure that my head has been out of the game for some time now... Time to get back to taking care of myself and getting healthy! Healthy body means healthy mind and that I really need!".

Since my dietary changes in October I have noticed a couple of very important things...

When I eat better (lots of vegetables, high protein/low fat and complex carbs) I feel 1000% better! Prior to that, I was all of the symptoms that I think of when I imagine someone sick... Exhaustion, Headaches, Swimming Head (you know that light headed, fuzzy feeling that makes you want to pass out) and just a general feeling of lets get "it" over with. "It" could be anything or everything in my life!

When I exercise, I feel much better also! To quote Elle Woods " I just don't think that Brooke could've done this. Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't." As many of you know, I despise the gym... But I have come to learn that the gym is not always bad when you have friends to help you get thru it. We laugh and encourage each other all the way thru the workout! I have also developed this sense of what I would have previously called anxiety but now I know it as "the feeling that means I need to exercise." Now, it usually comes at about midnight when I am exhausted and can't sleep, but if I get into a routine and get my exercise in 4 or 5 days a week, I can usually keep it at bay! It's the feeling that makes you think you can go run a mile when you can really barely run to the mailbox and back :)

The last (for now) is that my skin looks and feels better! The more of the processed food that I cut out, the more water I drink, the more exercise and the more sleep (quality sleep) that I get, the better my skin looks. Now we hear all these things but we don't really think they are true. But as a testimate to the realness of this, since I cut out dairy, meat and gluten my face has cleared up 100% I am not the only one who has noticed this. Another friend commented that since she took dairy out of her diet her face has really cleared up.

Hope everyone finds something in this note that they can find as beneficial! Enjoy!

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